Once we had dug approximately two shovel lengths deep, we wanted to add some topsoil. Our earth was relatively rich, but we decided we wanted to bring in a half an inch of topsoil to nourish the earth further. We approximated how much topsoil we needed to buy. We started by finding the cubic yards of the topsoil.


We knew that the area of the garden was172.12ft2, so from that we determined the cubic yards of the topsoil we would need to bring in. 


172.12ft2 (1/2 inch or .041ft) = 7.17ft3


7.17ft3  (0.03704yd3/ 1 ft3) =




Then once we knew this, we looked up the average density for topsoil and found that it is about 0.56g/cm3. With this information, we found the amount of kilograms we needed to purchase by converting the cubic yards to kilograms. 


0.2656yd3 x (764554.9cm3/1yd3) x (0.56g/cm3) x (1kg/1000g) =


113.7kg of soil


Once we purchased the topsoil from a local grower and transported it to the asilo, we mixed it into the earth and we were ready to plant.